Wildlife pond after renovation, new dry stone walling built with planting areas Completed wildlife pond, using Derbyshire stone, a cobble beach and clever planting North Lincolnshire wildlife pond nestled well into the landscape with sympathetic planting, cobbles and rock. Stream leading from wildlife pond to lower and larger pond Wildlife pond running through a stream to larger pond New pond and waterfall completed using slate prepared for customer to plant new rockery and bed area. Note this was excavated witha small JCB but care was taken to protect the surrounding ground from damage Newly made wildlife pond by Pond Works Wildlife pond in Nottinghamshire Waterfall feeding wildlife pond Completed pond in all it’s glory reusing original waterfall Cleaned main wildlife pond with additionalupper pond created by Pond Works dropping down a natural look waterfall Wildlife pond with Granite and Scottish cobbles in Barnsley South Yorkshire New wildlife pond in Barnsley Completed wildlife pond & natural looking stream. Pond Works made steam and mid run waterfall creating circulation system from wildlife pond next to brick patio Re-sculptured wildlife pond Landscaped wildlife pond Newly constructed wildlife pond Wildlife pond in Nottingham by Pond Works New wildlife pond near Sleaford Wildlife pond Total redesign and remodelling of pond completed by Pond Works A child safe pond that does not detract from the natural state of the pond and stream Wildlife pond in a sloping garden An oasis in a parched garden Completed revamp Beautiful Derbyshire stone enhanced pond and waterfall New wildlife pond in Sheffield with feature wall looking good Wildlife pond with beautiful rock Sheffield wildlife pond Newly created wildlife pond in Lincoln Rock edge with pebble and cobble beach Clearing water in a new wildlife pond filled from rain water WIldlife pond created in Lincolnshire Creating a wildlife pond and coping with ground level differences in Lincoln Idyllic wildlife pond in Lincolshire Beautiful wildlife pond in Epworth Nottingham wildlife pond created by Pond Works 3 days before Covid19 lockdown After just a few months the pond is in superb condition