Smoking, Environmental, Disability Discrimination, Race Relations, Equal Opportunities and Driving Policies.
ROI GROUP LIMITED understand the hazards arising from exposure to second hand smoke. This includes an increase in the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses. Ventilation or separating smokers and non smokers within the same airspace does not completely stop potentially dangerous exposure.
It is the policy of ROI GROUP LIMITED that all of our workplaces are smoke free and we acknowledge all employees have a right to work in a smoke free environment. As a result of this Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed and substantially enclosed premises in the workplace.
This includes company vehicles where more than one person could be expected to use them regardless of whether they are in the vehicle at the same time. This policy applies to all employees, consultants, contractors, customers and visitors. Overall responsibility for policy information and review rests with FB Worsley, the Managing Director and all employees are required to adhere to this policy and support the implementation of it. All new employees will be made aware of this policy and have its contents explained on recruitment or during induction.
Appropriate ‘no-smoking’ signs will be clearly displayed at all entrances to and within premises (temporary or not) and in all smokefree company vehicles.
To ensure compliance with the law signs need to be displayed in a prominent position at every entrance to the premises. Signs are to be a minimum of A5 in area, display the International No Smoking symbol (at least 70mm in diameter) and the words No Smoking ‘It is against the law to smoke in these premises’.
For secondary entrances used by employees only or smokefree premises within larger smokefree premises a smaller sign may be used consisting of the No Smoking symbol (at least 70mm in diameter). Smokefree vehicles must also display a sign which shows the International No Smoking symbol (at least 70mm in diameter) in each compartment where someone could sit.
ROI Group Limited has no legal responsibility to provide external designated smoking areas. However, should we decide to do this we will have a legal duty to maintain the area(s).
Disciplinary procedures will be followed if an employee does not comply with the policy. Those who do not comply with the smokefree law may also be liable to a fixed penalty fine or criminal prosecution.
We are committed to helping employees to give up smoking by making the aware of the assistance available. The NHS offers a range of free services to help smokers give up. Employees should visit or call the NHS Smoking Helpline on 0800 169 0 169 for details. Alternatively they can text ‘GIVE UP’ and their full postcode to 88088 to find your local NHS Stop Smoking Service.
Signed by the Responsible Senior Executive:
Derek Worsley
Managing Director
ROI Group Limited t/a Pond Works
November 2021
ROI Group Limited regional and global environment. Either directly or indirectly our operations result in emissions to air are aware of the adverse effects that our activities can have on the local, and water and the generation of waste.
It is therefore our aim to reduce the environmental impacts of our business and to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. Environmental management is integral to our vision and performance as a company and we are committed to the continual and effective improvement of our environmental performance.
Environmental management is is everyone’s responsibility and a prime responsibility at all levels of management. Our employees are required to give their full co-operation and support at all times to help us implement our policy and achieve our objectives.
The objectives of our policy are:
- As a minimum standard to comply with all applicable environmental legislation and approved codes of practice.
- To reduce the generation of general and special wastes.
- To reduce the generation of pollution or emissions which may be harmful to the environment.
- To ensure environmental considerations are taken into account in all purchasing decisions.
- To ensure the efficient use of energy and water and reduce our consumption to the lowest practicable level.
- To wherever possible ensure the segregation, re-use and recycling of waste.
- To ensure that environmental considerations are taken into account when selecting and monitoring third parties we may use in connection with our business.
- To minimise the effects of our activities on our neighbours.
- To ensure effective communication and cooperation with employees and third parties and ensure they are aware of our environmental management expectations.
- To provide suitable and sufficient environmental information, instruction, training and supervision to enable our employees to carry out their jobs competently and responsibly with regards to the environment.
ROI Group Limited provide adequate human and financial resources to implement our policy and ensure it is properly communicated and understood. Our company vehicles are run on unleaded or diesel fuel.
We aim to encourage initiative and adopt best practice in a culture where employees and managers are aware of their responsibilities for the environment and actively engaged and committed to improving standards of environmental management.
As part of our continuing programme of developing and improving our performance we will regularly review of our policy at least annually to ensure its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
This environmental policy will be displayed prominently on our premises, be available on request and be provided to all relevant parities.
Signed by the Responsible Senior Executive:
Derek Worsley
Managing Director
ROI Group Limited t/a Pond Works
November 2021
ROI Group Limited and its employees are required not to discriminate against the disabled in the field of employment and in the provisions of goods, facilities and services.
Employees are expected to behave in a non-discriminatory manner towards both the public and colleagues with disabilities. Employees have the right to work in an environment free from discrimination.
It is the duty of Managers to implement the policy and all employees are expected to comply. Discrimination in the field of employment and in the provision of goods, facilities and services is unlawful under the Disability Discrimination Act of 1995.
It is our policy to interview all applicants with a disability who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy and consider them on their abilities.
It is the policy of ROI Group Limited recruitment. Applications for employment from disabled people are welcomed and must not to discriminate against disabled persons in be fully and fairly considered, having regard to their aptitudes and abilities, in relation to the necessary requirements of positions being filled.
Particular care will be taken in drawing up job descriptions and person specifications to ensure that certain job requirements do not inadvertently exclude people with disabilities. Selection criteria will be strictly related to the needs of the job. Where necessary, special interview and selection arrangements are provided to the disabled candidate.
ROI Group Limited acknowledges that the unique problems of disabled employees may require special arrangements to enable them to effectively fulfill their duties. Every effort will be made to provide a suitable working environment for our disabled employees wherever this is practicable. In doing this we may call upon the help of specialist organisations who can provide advice and assistance on adaptations to premises, special aids equipment etc.
All employees shall be issued with a copy of the Disability Discrimination Policy at induction into ROI Group Limited.
New employees will be encouraged to discuss with their Line Manager any problems which could arise as a result of their disability. Agreement should then be reached on any action which may need to be taken.
Disabled employees will be paid at the same rate and enjoy terms and conditions of employment identical to those of employees on the same grade. The exception to this rule is where it may suit an individual to have special arrangements.
ROI Group Limited aims to ensure that employees with disabilities are given access to Career Development opportunities on a basis equal to other ROI Group Limitedemployees.
We recognise that it is important that employees with disabilities are not denied opportunities for training, extra responsibility or more demanding work because of pre-conceived ideas about limitations imposed by their disability.
The development of employees with disabilities will be based on a realistic assessment of their ability, with specialist advice where appropriate. Managers will be encouraged to address changes in the needs of a disabled employee with the employee annually.
Every effort will be made to retain the services of employees who become disabled, making use of the help that is available from the Disability Advisory Service, the local Occupational Health Department and other relevant agencies.
Maximum support will be given to an employee who finds himself/herself unable to work under the arrangements they were initially employed due to disability. Where practicable, alternative work arrangements will be considered suitable to their experience and abilities e.g. restructuring the job, job share or other flexible work arrangements and redeployment.
Any employee who harasses or victimises any other employee or client on the grounds of disability will be subject to the ROI Group Limited disciplinary procedure. In serious cases such behaviour will be deemed to constitute gross misconduct and, as such, will result in summary dismissal in the absence of mitigating circumstances.
Signed by the Responsible Senior Executive:
Derek Worsley
Managing Director
ROI Group Limited t/a Pond Works
November 2021
At ROI Group Limited the promotion of harmonious Race Relations will be an integral part of everyday living and working. We are fully committed to ensuring equality of opportunity, access and treatment both as an employer and as a provider of services.
We believe that any form of racism or racist behaviour, whether deliberate or out of ignorance is unacceptable. Inappropriate language, behaviour or attitudes are not tolerated in any form. All staff are expected to actively discourage racial intolerance and lead by example.
ROI Group Limited is committed to a policy of fair and equal treatment for all staff and visitors. Discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, ethnic or national origins, gender, sexuality, physical or mental disability, or for any other reason will not be tolerated.
ROI Group Limited is committed to:
- Actively tackling racial discrimination.
- Actively promoting racial equality and good race relations.
- Making public our stance on promoting equality.
- Encouraging, supporting and helping all employees to reach their potential.
- Working with others to tackle racial discrimination and to encourage and promote good practice in achieving race equality.
- Ensuring our Policy and related procedures are implemented and followed.
- Ensuring all our employees are aware of their responsibilities and are supported appropriately to meet them.
This will be written into our contracts or agreements.
ROI Group Limited requires individuals and organisations delivering services on their behalf to adopt similar standards.
Disciplinary action will be taken against employees if it is found they have acted in a racially discriminatory way. Breaches of this Policy will be dealt with within the Company’s formal disciplinary procedure.
Signed by the Responsible Senior Executive:
Derek Worsley
Managing Director
ROI Group Limited t/a Pond Works
November 2021
The company wholeheartedly supports the principle of equal opportunities in employment and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sex, marital status or disability.
We believe that it is in the company’s best interests, and those of all who work in it, to ensure that the human resources, talents and skills available throughout the community are considered when employment opportunities arise.
To this end, within the framework of the law, we are committed, wherever practicable, to achieving and maintaining a workforce, which broadly reflects the local community in which we operate.
Every possible step will be taken to ensure that individuals are treated equally and fairly and that decisions on recruitment, selection, training, promotion and career management are based solely on objective and job related criteria.
Signed by the Responsible Senior Executive:
Derek Worsley
Managing Director
ROI Group Limited t/a Pond Works
November 2021
ROI Group Limited is concerned about the dangers associated with driving whilst at work. This includes such things as the use of mobile phones, use of alcohol or drugs and excessive driving hours.
In line with current legislation drivers must not use hand held phones or similar hand held devices whilst in control of a vehicle. It is also advised that drivers may risk prosecution if they do not have proper control of their vehicle whilst using a hands free device.
It is our policy that the use of mobile phones or hands free models is prohibited. It is therefore recommended that all phones are switched off whilst driving. Our employees should also be aware of the possible health risks associated with excessive mobile phone use. The use of mobile phones should be kept to a minimum and landlines used where possible. Mobile phones should not be used for personal use during work hours except in emergency situations.
Under no circumstances are employees to attend work after using alcohol or narcotic drugs, be in possession of alcohol or drugs whilst at work or consume alcohol or drugs whilst working. Employees are also required to report to management any known side effects from prescribed medications.
ROI Group Limited will consider and implement the most suitable system of risk assessment and re-assessment for the road safety needs of the company and its employees. This will include choosing the right vehicle and the safest specification for the needs of the job. ROI Group Limited ensure that work practices, journey schedules, appointments and routes enable our employees to stay within the law.
Our employees should try to ensure they are well rested, and feeling fit and healthy (and not taking medication which contra-indicates using machinery), before starting long journeys.
Our employees are required to plan their journey to include regular rest breaks (at least 15 minutes every two hours) or if necessary, plan an overnight stop. They should at all times avoid setting out on a long drive after having worked a full day and avoid driving in a period when they would normally be falling asleep.
Driving in the small hours (between 2am and 6am) should be avoided except in extreme cases and having gained management approval. Our employees are also aware that when driving between 2pm and 4pm (especially after having eaten a meal) they should be extra careful. Wherever our employees start to feel sleepy during a journey, they must stop somewhere safe, take a drink containing caffeine and take a short nap.
This forms part of our health, safety and welfare policy and rules for staff. Any breach of this policy will be treated as gross misconduct and dealt with accordingly.
Signed by the Responsible Senior Executive:
Derek Worsley
Managing Director
ROI Group Limited t/a Pond Works
November 2021
ROI Group Limited t/a Pond Works is continuously monitoring the spread of the COVID-19 in order to be able to react to the dynamically changing situation at any time and to adapt our measures accordingly.
The health and safety of our customers, employees and business partners is our top priority and these measures are constantly updated, guided by current alerts and information from the UK Government and World Health Organization (WHO).
With these measures, ROI Group Limited t/a Pond Works is helping to protect its workforce, to interrupt chains of infection and to contain the spread of the pandemic.
Following the latest UK Government guidelines, we are able to provide non-contact appointments and surveys and our site work creating and maintaining ponds and equipment are fully operational.
When we are working on your premises you must maintain a minimum 2 metre distance from our employees and we ask you not to provide any refreshments.
Signed by the Responsible Senior Executive:
Derek Worsley
Managing Director
ROI Group Limited t/a Pond Works
November 2021